Rorri & Arif

Rorri is Jewish woman and Arif is a Muslim man. They met, fell in love and got married. They now have two children whom they are raising in both religions. An unlikely marriage and a way of bringing up children that is even more unlikely!
As a matter of fact, Rorri feared that the double faith would turn his children into "half-believers" of each religion. With the help of therapists, Rorri and Arif realised how to make their marriage a success and also educate their children to be 100% Muslim and 100% Jewish, "being both".
This education is based on access to the celebrations of each faith, Friday evening is Shabbat (Arif wearing the kipa), while regularly, the call to prayer sung by Arif's father resounds through the house (Rorri, veiled, taking part in the prayer).
Over and above the participation in these celebrations of worship, the foundation of this astonishing double religious identity is based on the knowledge of the other's religion and culture (songs, readings, prayers, stories, ...) that they are passing on to their children.
Carried by love for their children, Rorri and Arif’s respective families had to accept to move away from their comfort zones in order to seek "in the other" what brings them together and not what drives them apart.
Rorri's skimpy shorts probably bother Arif's father, but this is largely forgotten when his daughter-in-law answers Wa alaykum assalam to his morning greeting. During a family reunion, Rorri's grandfather discovers, with almost childlike curiosity and without any judgment, the Muslim ritual of prayer.
And the Muslim side of the family will perform the kiddouche a few hours later (opening of the Shabbat) with the Jewish side of the family, who will have made sure to replace the wine with grape juice.
And at night, before bed, the two children give both Jewish and Muslim prayers.
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